

    XXTRA-质萃 的目标消费群是“有气质的优雅女士们”,她们希望自己看上去漂亮、年轻有女人味、此外,相对一部分人喜欢休闲风格而非传统保守办公室风格的职业女性,她们相当注重品质并具有很强的购买力,不仅新潮又强烈突出自我,她们受时尚信息引领程度高,对行为影响较大,社交活动频繁,爱好广泛,生活丰富多彩有活力,喜欢与好友结伴购物,对色彩、款式、有更加出位的大胆要求,对品牌有一定的崇尚心态,并容易培养出品牌忠诚度,25-45岁得优雅女士都属于  XXTRA-质萃 的消费群。

XXTRA target consumer group is the " temperament elegant ladies " they wanted to look beautiful, young woman, in addition, the relative part of people like leisure style rather than the traditional conservative office style occupation female, they are very focused on quality and has a strong purchasing power, not only the trendy and strongly prominent self  they lead the fashion information, a high degree of influence on behaviorlarge, frequent social activities, hobbies, rich and colorful life with vitality, love and friends go shopping, color,style, more a bit of bold the brand has a certain degree of advocating mentality, and easy to cultivate brand loyalty, 25-45 years of grace the ladies belonging to the XXTRA consumer group.
