Life in Black & White
黑白色,是不少人心目中的The Color of Preference,是最为人喜爱的两种颜色,黑白之间的强烈对比,营造出独特出众的气质,透视出优雅卓越的品味,来自欧洲的odbo,一直以来就是透过这两种尊贵色彩,带给我们优质时尚、富艺术感的品味生活。品牌于1999年进驻中国,在品牌设计总监的引领下,把最高质素的时装带到中国及亚太地区各个重要城市。这个拥有尊贵气质的时尚品牌,经历了近一个世纪的沧桑变迁,依旧保持着它的独特个性,单一纯粹的黑白色调,配上紧贴潮流的设计、揉合传统与创新的剪裁功夫与优越高质量的布料选材,透过层叠式的穿衣风格,更能突显odbo的时尚型格非凡魅力,贯彻品牌一直以来以设计为灵魂、以前卫诠释时尚、以个性铸造经典、以市场为先导、以顾客为根本、以服务为资本的理念。随着品牌在中国市场得到的认同与成功,odbo于2002年进一步把彩色女装系列odbo colours、男装系列odbo man引进中国,让odbo家族各系列更淋漓尽致的展现在亚洲消费者的眼前,而在不久的将来odbo会有更多令人惊喜的创新!
Black and white, for many and the discerning “The Color of Preference”, the most popular combination. The eternal contrast of black and white brings out personality and a distinctive image of taste. Originated from Europe, odbo has used Black and White in all manners to reflect timeless elegance and the art of graceful living.
In the brand design director of Tony, odbo successfully entered the China market in 1999 and spread its creative and definitive influences all over major fashion cities in the Far East with resounding success..
With almost a decade of consistent development odbo remains passionate with Black and White and has since elevated the brand to a even higher level of sophistication through employment of advance and high quality material, innovative technique in multi-layer design and tailoring.
Keeping close touch with market change and taste our talented Design team keeps odbo modern and full of surprises yet remaining loyal to our corporate philosophy – good taste, individuality and timeless elegance.
With wide acceptance from the China market, odbo introduced odbo colours – a collection targeting the ladies customers and in sharp contrast with our Black and White this collection is Colours ! Colours ! Colours ! Once again proving the multi talent of our design team !
In keeping with our expansion further metamorphoses follow – odbo Man : a collection of Black and White specifically for our Male customers.
Innovative, Imaginative – odbo will capitalize on its success in the China and Far East market and no doubt will bring further surprises and impact !
odbo women
充满自我个性的odbo women不只是时尚的代名词,同时更引发出一种对品味追求的生活态度。odbo women的设计对时尚拥有独特的触感,透过黑与白简洁而纯净的极端对比,带出前卫型格却神秘内敛的个性,款式简约又带中性味道,显得帅气满满,同时兼具大都会时尚美态动感。odbo women特别着重衣服的剪裁、选料及设计细节,以不对称、不规则的剪裁为衣服增添玩味同时不失可穿性,以优质的物料来制造高质素的衣服,以设计细节来贯穿系列塑造出单一与专属的设计特色。odbo倡导注重产品质量、注重设计细节、注重生活品味,更注重Mix and Match的自由配搭精神,祟尚自然舒适与多重层次的穿着方式,为女士们开拓出全新的时尚观点视野,当她们穿上odbo women的衣服,身上自然释放出最亮丽流行的光华。
Full of individuality, odbo Woman expresses an attitude of a life style with character and preferences – far from the maddening crowd ! Simple yet sophisticated, outspoken yet mysterious, reflective yet collected – this is odbo Woman using the eternal contrast of Black and White in combination with innovative tailoring, advance material, multi-layering and 3D design to come up with collections after collections of Character.
Attentive to details, quality odbo Woman collection is also flexible, easy for Mix & Match and FUN ! Put on any odbo – you will be rejuvenated and shine with a new modernity.
odbo man
odbo的男装系列odbo man于2002年7月成功进驻中国。odbo man成功摆脱了传统男装设计的单调沉闷,从正统男装的严正剪裁与细节中撷取灵感,保留了经典的气质,再融入到休闲日常服的设计上,采用创新的风格与设计概念,在衣服上加入具功能性、装饰性的现代化细节,设计出极富时代感与强烈个人风格的男士服装,把传统经典与休闲玩味融合,改变了亚洲男性几百年来正统、刻板的穿衣习惯,让男士服饰设计走进崭新的年代,感觉耳目一新。一如odbo women所采用的黑白单一色调,odbo man亦凭着这简洁的色彩带出高尚尊贵的气魄,成为男性时尚、休闲的代表。
odbo Man was officially introduced in China in 2002. Traditional menswear design gives a fresh breath of life. As a result odbo Man came up with a collection that combined classic quality cutting with casual styling, adding modern and practical features.
odbo Man – the epitome of elegance with fun, casual and energetic character !
odbo colours
活于大都会的时尚女性,都拥有求新求变的冒险精神,odbo捕捉了她们善变的心,于2002年7月把以色彩挂帅的odbo colours引进中国,给女士们带来一个截然不同的新面貌、出其不意的惊喜。相对odbo woman冷酷的个性,odbo colours来得热情而野性,采用了大量鲜明的色彩,红橙黄绿青蓝紫俨如colours carnival,跃动的色彩看得人心花怒放。配合这个色彩主导的系列,odbo colours的设计也渗入了具运动意味的设计元素,更在剪裁上大玩对比效果,透过贴身剪裁展露女性的妩媚美态,却利用不规则设计带出具结构性的轮廓,又采用同色系不同布料拼合组成丰富质感的设计,同时还在细节上用上对比用色,以营造一个活泼跳脱、紧贴时尚步伐、个性鲜明的女性形象。
odbo Colours is all about Colours ! Started in 2007 odbo wanted to use colours to express the life style of the metropolitan ladies. With fresh approach and determination, odbo Colours brings passion, fun and unlimited imagination by using multitude of colours in various tones of contrast that the collection becomes a feast to the eyes – like a never ending Carnival.
Couple with immaculate cutting and fitting, this vibrancy is a reflection of the modern ladies heart for excitement and creativity, having no reservation in expressing their views and style.