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圣马丁运河Canal Saint-Martin,位于法国巴黎的市中心。与众多光环于一身的塞纳河相比,由拿破仑下令修建,有将近200年历史的圣马丁运河是巴黎一处被忽略的美丽。正因为此,运河也成为了巴黎人躲避游客的幽静之处,这是巴黎市民保存最好的秘密。
Canal Saint-Martin, is located in the center of Paris, France. Compare with the famous La Seine, Canal Saint-Martin, which was constructed by Napoleon’s order **who has nearly 200 years of history, is the neglected beauty in Paris. Because of this, the canal has become a quiet place for the Parisian to avoid the tourists. This is the best kept secret of Parisian.
远离烦嚣的运河,流淌的是静谧的美。在河岸两边的法国梧桐树荫下,孕育出充满诗意的巴黎式现实主义情调。这里不存在忙碌。无论是公园里、河岸边,咖啡馆、小旅店,都透露出一份难得的悠闲。圣马丁运河是巴黎新兴的时尚、艺术集中地,这里聚集了众多品味超凡的艺术家,圣马丁运河成为艺术家们采集灵感的源泉。运河边上的垂钓者、树荫下作画的画家、长椅上的阅读者、或时尚或朴实的散步者、露天咖啡馆里抓取灵感的时装设计师……简单但艺术的生活便是一切。巴黎市民的best kept secret,洋溢的是一种旧电影式与现代感交错的色彩。
Away from the hustle of the city, the beauty of quietly is floating on the Canal. There’s no busy here, no matter in the park, by the river bank, in the coffee shops or small hotels, all you can feel is the leisure. Canal Saint-Martin is a new trendy place in Paris where gathers all the extraordinary artists. It has become a source of inspiration for many artists. The anglers who fish by the river bank, the painters who paint under the shade of plane tree, the readers who read on the beach, the fashion designers who draw in the cafés….. Life is simple here, but artistic. The best kept secret of Parisian, fills with the staggered colors from the old movies **modern styles.
巴黎保守得最好的秘密,便是“艺术地生活,就是生活的艺术” 。
Paris best kept secret is, "live artistically, that is the art of living."
我们是Jolilou,来自圣马丁运河旁,由中法混血设计师Marc Ming Chan主理,采用头层真皮与刚性防水帆布所制作的包具承载着巴黎的best kept secret来到中国。不沉溺于浮夸与奢侈,简约但艺术地高雅,是Jolilou一直信仰的美学。而这,也恰是圣马丁运河的精神。
We are Jolilou, come from the Canal Saint-Martin. Designed by the Sino-French mixed designer Marc Ming Chan, made of fine leather **rigid waterproof canvas, Jolilou brings the Parisian best kept secret to China. Not indulging in grandiose **extravagant, simple but elegant **artistic is the faith **aesthetics of Jolilou. **this, is exactly the spirit of Canal Saint-Martin.
Jolilou的设计师Marc在英国出生,现居法国。从小浸染的不列颠式高贵与法国人的艺术浪漫品味造就了Marc的独特设计风格,曾担任Jean Paul GAULTIER, Marithé以及François GIRBAUD等品牌的设计工作。
Jolilou’s designer Marc was born in Engl**now lives in Paris. Inspired by the British elegance **French romance, Marc created a unique style for Jolilou. Marc has practiced his talents as graphic designer for major fashion brands: Jean Paul GAULTIER, Marithé **François GIRBAUD.
Jolilou is a new French word, Joli means pretty, while Lilou is a girl’s name. Jolilou is a symbol, representing the beautiful women in the modern society, each with their own spiritual aura around themselves. They underst**the importance of serious work, **enjoy the simple happiness of throwing the stone into the river as well; they know about the meaning of simplicity, but constantly chase for perfectness, **live artistically. Jolilou, is the extension of the soul of Canal Saint-Martin.
于是,我们一直孜孜不倦地把Best Kept Secret融入产品中,只为给每一位不断臻于完美的女性提供些许点缀。
Today, we implant the best kept secret into every Jolilou product, simply give every modern woman the perfect embellishment.
艺术地生活,就是生活的艺术。Jolilou, the best kept secret from Paris.
Live artistically, is the art of living. Jolilou, the best kept secret from Paris.