

In the eighties of 19th century, there
was a young man called J.ASECANO who set up a tailor’s
shop under the assistance of
many apprentices in a picturesque small town in Britain;
he is famous for his skillful manual te
chnology rarefied cloth materials, rapidly becomes
the worshipful pursued clothes inthe noble class in London.




 1939年二战暴发,J.ASECANO随家人被迫迁移到了意大利,在那个以精致皮具和时尚设计闻名的国度开始了新的求学历程。他勤奋地跟随当地的服装设计师学习设计方法和做板工艺。同时完成了当地州立大学工艺美术学业。
In 1939, the Second World War broke out, the family
of J.ASECANO moved to Italy in
order to evade the war. At the same time, he intently
studied the template-making
technology with the local famous designers. In that
ry just like an artistic palace, he had
a bran-new perception to the modern art design,
his idea that liberated people
the restraint of formal dressimpacted his inspiration.


 1950年,二战结束后,ASECANO一家回到了自己的祖国。才华横溢的J.ASECANO将欧洲的传统艺术与精致的手工完美结合,正式创立了ASECANO品牌,并确定了品牌以“绅士、贵族、内敛的商务休闲服饰”为永恒的主题,将ASECANO品牌事业推向品牌之路。
In 1950,After finishing the Second World War,
the family of J.ASECANO returned to their own ry.
He who is so talented has an amount of knowledge
found the casual clothes br that takes the family
Condon as the name, created the br-new


  ASECANO品牌设计师们运用先进的现代的生产技术并配合时尚的人体工程学,提升设计款式,使之尊贵休闲,简洁,舒适,使每一个细节都做到一丝不苟,每一寸内外都倾注“ASECANO”品牌对时尚的潜心研究,十多年来成为注重实效的成功人士商务休闲的最佳目标。



  品质是“ASECANO”品牌“精益求精,力求完美”所追求的永恒的信念,深蕰了精雕细刻的技艺及完美的坚定诉求。设计集时尚,优雅,内敛,成为追求自由生活的贵族阶层首选服饰,舒适于一身完美的绅士风范,体现了“ASECANO”品牌设计师扎实的设计工底。二十世纪八十年代,ASECANO设计公司以独特的眼光,将该品牌引入到亚洲市场,“ASECANO”品牌以独特的风格,迅速风靡东南亚各国,在消费者和同行业建立了良好的知名度。




Business Leisure?concept in the society led by gentlemen
noblemen. He combined perfectly
the Italian traditional art with the British exquisite hcraft。
Up to the eighties of 20th century,
the br went through the more than half-century’s development,
the designers always succeeded to the
predecessors’ idea of seeking for greater perfection on the cloth
materials, craftwork design,
also used the advanced modern manufacturing technology
combining with the fashionable
engineering science human engineering to improve the
design of style building
of board type, which makes it nobleness, leisure, concision,
comfort; the design integrates
in the fashion, elegance, introvert movement,
keeps the occupational style.
It succeeds to the proposition of rue Me, Freedom?
becomes the first-choice
clothes showing the businesstravel bearing by the new
generation noblemen who pursue the free life,
therefore even more establishes the new leap foundation of the br.

