- 品牌类型女装
- 加盟模式区域代理/专卖加盟
- 招商地区全国
Cindy Laura品牌文化
品牌文化:品牌源于法国一个六千居民的眼镜名城morez(墨雷丝),此城是阿尔卑斯山传统手工业区的代表。Cindy Laura(仙迪罗拉)风格继承了法国传统及浪漫文化特色,美伦美奂的CindyLaura都蕴涵着欧洲设计师超越时空的创造力和灵感。Cindy Laura(仙迪罗拉)眼镜历来强调手工制造,细节与人性化设计,追求十全十美的制作态度,集中体现了法国的传统手工文化灵感和精益求精的精神,更体现时尚设计与现代贵族气质的完美结合。迷人的色泽,至纯的品质,稀有而娇贵的质地,彰显着它无与伦比的气质。在流光异彩的年代里,典雅,神秘,复古在CindyLaura眼镜的焕彩魔方里目眩神迷......传统、文化、时尚、精湛的工艺是该品牌的集中体现。Cindy Laura(仙迪罗拉)打入中国市场后,针对东方人的生理特点及传统文化,开发了一系列适合东方都市丽人及白领贵族的眼镜产品,倾力打造中国市场,力求中西方文化在Cindy Laura(仙迪罗拉)上的完美结合。
Brand culture: The brand root in MOREZ where is symbol of traditional hand-make industrial estate of ALPS, a famous eyewear’s city of
Wonderful hand-making , human design ,high-level material , fashion and traditional cultures which cindyLaura handle all of them and make it into eyewear. Makes cindyLaura’s eyewear more attraction ! more perfection ! we are developing the products just base on Asian physiology and traditional cultures which special for asian ladies and Aristocrat When CindyLaura open and enlarge Chinese market. In order to unites Chinese cultures and western cultures into “CindyLaura eyewear”.