Toray Diplomode Inc. cooperating with Hangzhou TZN Fashion Co., Ltd to jointly develop H.L in China
东丽集团旗下的TORAY DIPLOMODE公司,就该公司在日本以及中国市场持有商标使用权的高级女装“H•L”在中国生产销售业务事宜,与杭州市的高级女装厂商杭州天之女时装有限公司达成了合作协议。杭州天之女时装进口TORAY DIPLOMODE在日本生产销售的“H•L”在中国进行销售。同时以在上海久光百货店开店为开端,预计3年内开设36家“H•L”店。
Toray Diplomode Inc., as a subsidiary company of Toray Industries Inc. access to the right of trademark both in China and Japan with respect to H.L brand. Recently, Toray Diplomode had reached an agreement with Hangzhou TZN Fashion Co. Ltd with respect to producing and selling H.L costume in China. TZN will import and sell H.L products in China. H.L store in Shanghai could be considered as a good start, it is estimated that the number of H.L stores will be up to 36.
日本东丽Diplomode有限公司创建于2007年8月23日。该公司有160名员工,其资产达到4.9亿日元,并100%得到日本东丽集团(Toray Industries, Inc )的支持。 东丽Diplomode公司经营的主要业务可分为两部分:一方面是高级女装和配饰的生产和进口销售,另一方面是与海外公司的合作贸易。
Toray Diplomode company profile:
Toray Diplomode, Inc. (Japan )was established on August 23, 2007 with the capital of 490 millions yen and 160 employees, which is 100% supported by Toray Industries, Inc. The main businesses run by Toray Diplomade, Inc. can be categoried into two aspects, one is production and import sales of high quality women's apparel and accessories, and the other one is license business in cooperation with overseas firms.
H.L,U by ungaro, SEVENTY,19.70,Tracy Reese,plenty by tracy reese,CHACOK,Elegance。
Women’s wear brands:
H.L,U by ungaro, SEVENTY,19.70,Tracy Reese,plenty by tracy reese,CHACOK,Elegance
TZN company profile:
Hangzhou TZN Fashion Co., Ltd was founded in April, 2001 with the capital of 7.5 millions Yen and 320 employees. Since establishment, TZN commits to bring delicacy and elegance to those who live in the cities through advocating innovative attitutes for fashion. In 2008, Hong Xiao, the creator and the chief designer of BRJ had won “Top ten fashion designer”award in Fashion Week in Beijing. With the lead of BRJ, TZN is increasingly on the way of multi-cultural and international branding operation.
BRJ(自主品牌), H.L(大中国区域总代理)
Women’s wear brands:
BRJ (own brand) H.L (the sole distributor in great China)
日本纤维信息 http://sen-i-news.com.cn/mailmaga/2009/2009-06-02/35.html