



In the sunlit afternoon at Parkview Green, there is now one more place for our guests to savor great tea and experience a brand new way for your life style.


Life is not that complicated!

哲品家居创意总监 刘启明

Creative Director Ming Liu

哲品家居设计顾问 Consultants of ZENS:


Francesco Lucchese, Ju Bin, Masayuki Kurokawa


Michael Young, Wang Ke, Lian Zhiming


ZENS does it by inviting numerous internationally renowned artists and designers to create lifestyle objects with the themes of  “simplicity”, “well-designed” and “contemporary”.



Committed to bring Chinese designs to the world, ZENS has locations at Beijing, Guanzhou,Shanghai, Shenzhen, San Francisco, New York, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and more. Kapok Awards, iF, Red Dot awards are just a few of the awards ZEN Sobjects received as recognition of its works.


ZENS flagship store at Parkview Green


Finally in this May, ZENS opens its Beijing flagship store at Parkview Green. We can now experience beauty of design in an artistic setting. 


Easy on the go, these tea cup sets perfectly fit into our busy life style while bringing us a delicate tea experience. Objects at ZENS aim to bring you all that experiences through unique designs.

店内设计和分区别具特色,不仅运用哲品LOGO 超级椭圆线条作为设计元素,甚至还开了一间现代茶饮店。没有繁缛复杂的冲泡形式,快饮中国好茶。轻快的茶饮体验,边品,边浏览各色茶具。

The store is divided into different areas, combining the logo of ZENS as part of the interior design. It has also allocated a modern tea shop that brings visitors a nice cup of tea without the complicated tea-brewing steps. A relaxing tea tasting experience allows visitors a chance to test these tea cup sets. 


These hanging travel cup sets offer a new way of living. You can now travel and savora nice cup of tea at the same time!


Latest Master Pieces


The newness and fresh designs forever add beauty to our ordinary lives. ZENS designs are made by top international designers who have also enlightened us with new works for the opening of the new store. 

1. 自成一派,π 杯新装亮相

π GlassSet

π杯套装π Glass Set

颠覆传统喝茶方式,哲品π 杯新创一键冲茶,随走随冲。简约美感的现代外壳,打破陈旧的刻板印象。更获得2017 德国iF设计大奖。

Zens π glassoverturns the traditional way of brewing tea by making it portable andbeautiful at the same time. The design received the iF design award in2017.  

此次召集了众多原创设计师,一起为π 壳换上外衣。各种童趣画面,等你来看。五彩缤纷的猫头鹰,地心漫游,几何立体游戏等等,一个个妙趣横生的故事正在π壳上发生。

ZENS has invited several designers to come up with new looks for the classic glass. All the illustrative prints will be waiting for you at ZENS, including the colourful owls, geometric prints and more, all on each individual π glass.

2. 黑川雅之 娥眉/满月银壶 

Masayuki Kurokawa / Aphrodite Silver Kettle


A leading figure in Japanese art scene, Masayuki Kurokawa is undoubtedly a master in industrial design. He is also the consultant at ZENS. For ZENS, he has designed two handmade kettles, one as “New Moon” and the other as “Full Moon”, adding his philosophical thinking to the design as his interpretation of life and the moon. While the moon shines with changing shapes, its eternity is a contrast to the briefness of life. 


While the moon shines with changing shapes, its eternity is a contrast to the briefness of life. As time passes, each kettle will be fused with unique marks and patina. 

3. Michael Young「竹」系列灯具

Bamboo Lamps Series

来自英国的Michae lYoung,早已是欧洲闻名的极简主义设计师,获奖无数,今年德国iF设计大奖的金奖也被他收入囊中。接触东方文化多年的他,十分懂得用世界性的设计语言融入东方文化,他也被业内称为最有「中国设计」发言权的英国设计师。

British designer Michael Young is a long established designer known for minimalistic style. Already a receiver of numerous international design awards, he was awarded with the iF gold metal award this year. He is very familiar with the zen style of the East and is an expert in combining global design elements into the Eastern culture. He is termed as English designer with the most “Eastern” touch for his works.

此次Michael Young 与哲品合作了一系列淡雅、温暖的灯具,以「竹」为身,这一东方特有的诗意的美学符号,巧妙地嵌在了欧式设计语言之中,为家送来纯粹清新的竹林光影。

Michael Young has collaborated with ZENS in creating a series of elegant and heart-warming lamps made with bamboo, combining the poetic aesthetics incontemporary design vocabulary for each piece. 

4. 故宫文化x 哲品= 2 个系列新品

 The Forbidden City Culture X ZENS


ZENS has joined with Forbidden City Culture in presenting two collection of travel teasets - The Forbidden City Culture × ZENS Travel Tea Set  and A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains Mobile Moon Portable that will bring beauty into our daily rituals. 


Enlightenment Travel Tea Set


Selflessness & Vision Travel Tea Set


The Forbidden City Culture X ZENS travel tea sets include 3 sets, all are harmonious with a touch of zen. They are each printed with Enlightenment royal chops, making these tea sets classic and elegant. These royal messages are visionary and meaningful, perfectly complement the elegance of the tea sets. 


Savoring Peace Travel Tea Set


Bring these along wherever you go. Stop whenever you feel like savoring the tea. The package printed with A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains on the Mobile Moon Portable adds a generous and adventurous mood to the tea set. 


Mobile Moon Portable


Ranked as one of the top ten greatest artworks of China, A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a work of Wang Xi Meng from Song Dynasty. The artwork was in different hands for several hundred years before it became a part of the royal collection. The work is known for the extremely detailed and meticulous landscapes.


A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains(Part)


Come to ZENS. There are more ways to spice up your life here. 

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