Wir Waren设计师品牌休闲男装(中性)及珠宝配饰品牌简介:
英美游学归来的设计师HOU和他的成衣团队在上海创立WIR WAREN。深受两国社会文化的熏陶,摇滚精神与传统经典的交织形成了独立的风格,时而内敛率性时而大胆前卫。 版型设计以建筑结构为基础加之解构的创意概念。在服装的材料上,注重非常规面料与辅料的研发。同时在工艺上更关注细节和裁剪,运用德国粗犷而又严谨的制衣工艺来打造WIR WAREN精神。
In 2014, Frying Pan Alley, London, United Kingdom, Wir Waren was found. Later designer Hou and his Germany craft team launched Wir Waren Shanghai base.
Wir Waren consisting of Gothic, urban and classic elements, additionally the design are creation of deconstruction on structure base which form independent characteristic.
Materials are developed individually, and nonconventional fabrics and accessories are explored. The rough and precise German craftsmanship build Wir Waren spirit till providing premium individual garment.