品牌Rugged Eagle(RE)雄鹰
Rugged Eagle(RE)雄鹰 +关注

Rugged Eagle(RE)雄鹰

行业类别鞋业品牌 - 男鞋


Rugged Eagle(RE)雄鹰品牌故事:
  欧洲北部国家丹麦位于北海和波罗的海之间,三面环海。在丹麦,晴朗的日子里,来来往往的行人可见闲适和悠然。坐在街边的小咖啡屋里,饮一杯咖啡,迎接过路人的微笑。在这风景如画的国度,诞生了许多世界知名的企业,如旗下拥有VERO MODA, ONLY, VILA等知名品牌的Bestseller集团就始建于丹麦。高端商务都市品牌Rugged Eagle就是一个始创于丹麦的设计师品牌。它的时尚和经典衍生自丹麦的深厚底蕴和童话气质,品牌ICON是展翅翱翔的雄鹰,代表着丹麦民族精神的力量与坚强。
  Rugged Eagle致力于寻求自然的本质,融入都市生活概念,注重消费者全天候的安全舒适与行走健康,运用现代工艺与时尚元素的完美结合,形成跨界于商务都市与舒适休闲的都市高端品牌。其简约、大方的设计与现代追求简洁、舒适的生活需求相合,吸引了众多的品牌追随者。
  Rugged Eagle产品拥有品质优越的材料和细节精致的制作,充分满足都市高端精英人层的需求。经过多年发展,品牌从最开始的鞋靴类商品生产发展到包括鞋靴、袜类、皮具配饰等多线生产,在全球市场拥有高度的市场覆盖率。
Brand Story

Demark, North European country, is surounded by North Sean and Baltic Sea. You can feel the casual and relaxing life style and atmosphere on the street. North European Lifestyle. We love the essence of nature and outdoor with the infusion of urban life. The crystal clear air. The vast expanse. The Sunshine. The silence. The blowing of the wind. And we love all the intensive feelings of outdoor and urban life: excitement, hope, joy, disappointment, good luck..

Rugged Eagle was made for these feelings – the best products with details for the best moments in life.
Rugged Eagle雄鹰品牌理念:
  在丹麦,人们的着装大多以舒适、休闲为主,这跟他们追求自由,崇尚自然的生活理念息息相关。简约不简单是丹麦人着装的理念,但这种简约却在悠然间释放出引人瞩目的优雅和成熟。Rugged Eagle非常准确地抓住了这一市场特点,设计以舒适为核心,休闲中带着独有的成熟优雅气质,精致的工艺和优质的选料完美地诠释了简约不简单的设计理念,带给消费者精致舒适的穿着享受。
  Rugeed eagle通过简约精致、时尚经典的系列产品,带给消费者舒适和品质享受的同时,体现出消费者成熟、优雅的绅士气质,并向人们展示一种高品质、高品味的生活理念。

Brand Spirit

Rugged Eagle idea arose in the outdoor. But has long found its way from the outdoor to the cities. From St. Moritz to Zurich. From Cortina d’Ampezzo to Milan. From Aspen to New York. But Rugged Eagle has never followed superficial trends. We do not believe in fashion. We believe in the fusion of style and function. We also believe that all those values distinguishing us in the outdoor are equally important in the city. Comfort. Casual. Simple but Performance.
The Rugged Eagle Spirit.

  寻求的是“高品味 高品质”的产品!

Target customer:
Age: 30 – 45 years old urban elites
Profound thinking. Sensative to styles and dress. Self confidence. Independent. Pursuing quality of life.


Craft to supreme quality
Premium material quality sourced from international suppliers.
Precise infusion of style and function
Amazing blending of comfort and style
